It takes one to know one.

Meta Monkey
28 min readFeb 18, 2021

It tends to be those who have resolved it within themselves that can see it so clearly in others.

Photo by Andre Mouton on Unsplash

To be clear; I’ve been an absolutely raging narcissist. I used to be addicted to ideals like my life depended on it. Grandiose. Luckily for me, I didn’t just read their philosophy; I also looked into their personal lives, and that made all the difference in the world. That’s what I had to do for myself; I had to look past my ideals to see the man. It’s called inner work. It’s asking the question: Who am I?

This is a cultural phenomenon.

I read a blog post recently about Einstein. It was written under the heading Love. Crazy this shit. Here we have this world renowned thinker, who figured out some supposedly godly stuffs about our reality. No doubts at all. Not discrediting this guy about his science. So far and above anything I can do in that realm I’m not even going to pretend I understand. I am not qualified to have an opinion about his scientific discoveries. I need a calculator to do simple math.

However, the human psyche is my forte, and this blog post was about god and love. Don’t need any math skills to go within. No mathematical genius necessary to fall in love, or to seek God. It does however take a lot of inner strength to undo being a psychopath. In the previous chapter I made it clear as sunshine what I consider to be a psychopath.

This article gave me a glimpse into the psyche of these people claiming they know what love is referencing psychopaths. The reference regarding Einstein talking about Spinoza’s God is easy enough to verify. But in this blog post, in the same sentence as Spinoza, it throws in Descartes name as being one of the great rationalists of the 17th century. Man these Europeans were so arrogant. Greater thinkers than they, were dropping knowledge about love and god long before they ever came along. Rather narcissistic of them to presume they were the first at anything really.

I had such a tremendous good laugh over this. Here we have this world famous scientist being referenced along with a real deal psychopath. As common as this is, I still find it fucking incredible. Einstein wasn’t referencing Descartes, he was referencing Spinoza, but it’s that they threw this other “rationalist” in, about a post on god and love. Spinoza was quite sexist, at the least. He was definitely influenced by Descartes! I get it, Descartes did some mathematical shit that is beyond most of our comprehension, but that they conflate this with other realms of life is baffling. It is always happening this way, in this culture. Just think of the Pope talking about god yet always covering for pedophile priests. This European culture, from which America came, was, and is whack!

This is a cultural phenomenon I’m pointing out. It’s the trademark of a narcissist to only pay attention to what is visible on the surface. To focus on the grand, and to completely ignore the vile. A narcissist gets stuck on the mirror image, instead of actually going within the image to see what is what. It’s incredibly shallow, yet they all act as if they got it figured out.

I think there is a saying somewhere about never going to your doctor for marriage advice. Here it should be, never go to a theoretical math guy for love advice. It’s not difficult to look up; Einstein’s personal life was pretty much like any other monkey with the mind/body gap. He didn’t do any inner work at all. He had to live in the same monkey suit as you and I. In my research into Einstein’s life it’s very easy to see he was incredibly sexist, and racist. A real bigot. He was always cheating. He married his cousin for fucks sake. All these women were coming at him, like any celebrity gets, and he married his cousin! This guy didn’t know a damn thing about god or love. Yet, here some blogger under the heading Love, is referencing these psychopaths.

This is why childabuse is normalized. This culture puts them on a pedestal.

Descartes, this supposedly great rationalist, was on another level. He puts Einstein to shame. His most referenced quote is, “I think, therefore I am.” That is the most narcissistic statement a fella can make. This quote gets thrown around in a most validating way because every narcissist on the planet resonates with such a statement. This guy was a real deal psychopath. It’s easy to look up!

This guy would dissect animals alive because he said they have no souls! So quite literally, here we have this supposed rationalist, being referenced with the likes of Einstein and Spinoza. A psycho who didn’t even know animals have souls in a conversation about love and god! This is fucking incredible! Why can’t they simply say, this incredibly sick person had some really amazing math skills? Why are they conflating these topics? The whole culture is sick with this that’s why.

Are you able to wrap your mind around what I am saying? Make this real. Use the first person narrative like I do to keep it real. Imagine it happening right now, as if you were there, or here. Let’s say, right now, you came over to my house, and I’m over here just cutting into this dog that is fucking going insane about what is happening to it. Can you imagine this scene? I mean, that is some straight up horror movie shit. Then to think, you are coming to me for my opinion on god, and love….because I’m a great rationalist? This is some psyche ward shit.

I mean, what the actual fuck! This is far more serious than anyone wants to know. That public education doesn’t teach anyone how to actually think. Everyone puts Einstein on a pedestal as some kind of genius, but just imagine showing up at his house, and he’s just over there banging his cousin. Real fucking genius right there!

Real deal psychopath that Descartes. He dissected his wife’s dog alive to prove a point at one time in his life. He thought, because he thought a thing, it made it so. That is the trademark of a psychopath. A real deal narcissist. Funny right? Thinking a thing, does not make it so. Obviously, he was incredibly wrong about almost everything except the math. He conflated these two things.

We see all these people online crying about having dated some narcissist or other, but I’m thinking they’ve not really met the real deal. The real deal will dissect your dog while it’s alive just to prove a point. The real deal will fuck all your friends, and probably your children too. The real deal narcissist is in on mass murder. I’m not necessarily wishing to demean anyone’s abuse at the hand of a narcissist, it’s just that only a narcissist gets with a narcissist. There are no victims in this. Children are the victims yes, but better not be any children reading this. Calling oneself a caregiver doesn’t make it any less psychopathic. Such a person is still completely ignoring the harm done by their actions, or lack thereof.

The real deal narcissist will devote his life to studying some really meaningless shit, instead of what really matters, just to feel important. Special. Grandiose. Einstein is a perfect example. It’s common sense. It’s still happening now, the same as it was in the 1700’s, that’s Descartes day, we just have technology now, thanks to raging narcissists like Einstein. What good does it do us to understand physics if we can’t even stop the normalization of child abuse. These “men” have their priorities all fucked up.

Like our current genius wonder boy, Elon Musk. When he was crowned the new richest guy he asked for ideas about how to help with his money; I got an idea, let’s quit looting the Earth just so you can feel like the greatest by being the first to Mars. Real deal piece of shit this guy. He’s making insane profits farming plebs. We can look up his personal life the same as Einsteins. He is not doing any inner work at all, he’s just another glorified raging narcissist. Very sexist, racist, and just a real bigot. He’s got a PR team though to make sure he looks good while raping the planet.

Tell me; what good has any of Einstein’s work done any of us? None. Same rape culture now as then. He did nothing to improve humanity at all. Every single thing he did only further bolstered the world of psychopaths. Here we have this supposed genius, and instead of applying it to the situation at hand, he just wasted his life being a grand narcissist. He didn’t even have the wherewithal to resolve himself of his own bullshit. If you pay attention, psychopaths don’t think they are psychopaths, because they all look to each other for reassurance of this. Look, see, we are all this way! That’s just how it is! Normal!

Horse shit! That’s just more narcissistic horse shit! A dog turd has more intellectual might than these “men” ever had. As if they still couldn’t do math, and work on their bullshit. These people do not in any way take responsibility for the harm they cause.

These males did not study the psyche at all; which means they don’t know who they are. They identified fully with the thinking voice in their head. They had almost zero self awareness. They had almost no clue at all how their own mind worked. They were not in touch with their body, their feelings, whatsoever. The body is the mind. Consciousness does not reside in the brain.

No man, ever, in touch with his feelings could fucking dissect a living animal in clear conscience. Such a man is a straight up psychopath. Nor could they farm plebs like these males are doing.

Our mind is not limited to this thinking voice. The mind is vast beyond imagining to one who only identifies with that talking voice as if it is who they are. It’s like looking at the world through a cocktail straw. I’m not sure that tiny straw is even as narrow of a view as these “thinkers” have had.

Look, I’m not saying they didn’t have the hardware. They had amazing computers, but they had the most fucked up software a fella can have. Understand this way of speaking. They had the very best of hardware, but their software was completely infected with viruses. Think about it, for the computer to even work the math has to be right, but viruses operate on that same math. It’s like taking one of these modern supercomputers and then putting Windows 98 on it, and then claiming it’s the best computer in the world. That’s what everyone is doing putting these psychopaths on a pedestal.

Mentioning Microsoft brings to mind another living psychopath. Bill Gates is one of the most pleb raping psychopathic humans alive. He is absolutely just wrecking the place pretending his thinking is legit. He thinks he knows what is best for the whole world, yet he hasn’t even attempted to do his own inner work. We can easily look into his childhood. His mother fucked him up bad. He is literally doing to the world what his mother did to him. This guy is a living Descartes. It is highly unlikely this individual will ever bridge the gap. He will go out a murdering raping psychopath to his last day. Look how many revere this person! FUCK!

We would have a hard time not finding one at the top of the pecking order who isn’t this way. I don’t think we can.

That’s more than likely the same with you Brother. I know for sure it was me. We have the most glorious hardware imaginable, but the software is rendering it a complete shitshow. Of course, you might not be so bad off, that you are dissecting animals alive claiming they can’t feel, and have no souls, but you’re still operating on that psychopath’s way of thinking…”I think, therefore I am.”

Feel me? They got you, just like they got me Brother. This whole culture reveres the thoughts of real deal narcissistic psychopaths. I went to college. Several of them actually. Unlike others I was studying philosophy without having to be told to by a professor. I did it on my own. Truth seekers don’t wait around for someone with authority to tell them what to do. We go and get it ourselves. This whole western culture is a raging narcissistic psychopath. It was built and designed by them. It’s all been built by the thought of legit, real life, living men, who were nothing more than raging narcissists to the man.

We got to drive this home. We got to look at just how profound the thought of a single man can fuck the lives of every single one of us. We have to look at how it hasn’t even been close to the thought of one man. When we view it through this lens of just one man though, it helps drive it home how bad the situation is. It’s been millions of them. This entire culture reveres narcissistic psychopaths, almost to the man. Nearly every single one of these men, given to us by culture, were actually in real life very disturbed fucked up individuals. They like us were completely abused.

Bad news Brother; it’s the rarest shit ever to find a man who is not that.

Let me give an example in real life that isn’t so dramatically psychopathic as a guy who dissects living animals as if they can’t feel. Or a guy who actively uses poor brown people for guinea pigs. Or a guy who solely profits from looting the earth on the backs of poor brown people. By the way, just to be clear, it was actually Descartes that could not feel, and he projected this onto the animals he murdered. I got money on him having done it to humans too, but they ain’t putting that in the public educated history books. They kept that to themselves. Who isn’t keeping their dark bullshit a secret?

Man that mirror will really fuck a fella up.

In my grandiose days I was going to be like them, except I was going to be even more special, and change things for the good. Savior Complex on deck. For many years I wanted to change the local food system. I lived in a small town absolutely surrounded on all sides by farmland, yet I couldn’t find any local food to buy anywhere. I learned to permaculture, and I taught myself to be a chef. I had living experience in these fields. I had grown up on farms, one a big ag type, and one a homestead type. I was going to bring the farm to table thing to the little town I lived in.

Part of my research was watching chefs on TV. There was a documentary, of which I don’t remember the name, but it was about a guy doing exactly what I wanted to do, but he was on the east coast. I’m watching this show, and you know how they do, they got to make it entertaining for ratings, so they are interviewing this guy about his personal life. He starts to cry, as he talks about his mother dying when he was like ten or eleven if I remember right. It was also revealed that because of his job, the long hours, and all that comes with it; he was totally neglecting his wife and kid. I could see it too, in her eyes.

It wasn’t said that way, but it was obvious as day to me. All we have to do is imagine being this little boy, wanting to see our father, but who is so self absorbed he can only think of himself. Here’s this guy, and all he’s doing is filling the hole of his mother’s death with his job for all he’s got. He practically admitted it. This guy wasn’t some great guy. He was stuffing the hole of his loss for all he gots no different than a heroin addict. Here is this guy, doing the thing culture style. It’s every chef’s dream to be the center of a documentary, fulfilling this grand idealistic thing. It was my dream too! He made it big, but in reality he’s just another drug addict avoiding the reality of his life. Just another narcissistic fool. A man too afraid to face his feelings.

Find me a man not doing this. I’d bet the bank, it’s you, your father, your grandfather. Your boss, his boss, and most definitely the boss’s boss’s boss. The higher we climb this hierarchy the more psychopathic they will be.

Brother, can you imagine my looking at myself in the mirror after watching that show. FUCK! My dream just went down the toilet with a single episode of some bullshit on TV. I had to give up that grand ideal. I can’t be that guy. I made a vow to be a real man. I saw myself in that guy, and I knew then, I can’t be that guy. There’s just got to be more to me than that.

No one gives a shit about eating clean and healthy anyways. I can count on one hand the number of monkeys I’ve managed to convince to be healthy, eat local, etc. Doesn’t even fill one hand. I can’t even name five guys. I was just completely wasting my time and energy trying to be something special. I was not doing anything more than being a little boy, trying to prove to my mother that I was special.

It’s these moments, where I myself had no choice but to concede; these fucks had made a raging narcissistic psychopath out of me too. Instead of dealing with the issue at hand, we go after these things “out there” as if this will ever actually make us great men. This will never actually make us Great Men. How can anyone claim greatness if he can’t even feel his feelings? I was just like this famous chef, unable to feel my feelings about not having a mother. This living experience showed me straight to the face my own narcissistic bullshit. Again.

Einstein wasn’t a great man. I say he wasn’t even a great thinker. At best, he was a great calculator. Stuff I’ve read says he wasn’t even good at math really, he always had to have others help him. This comes back to my expressing the importance of looking into the actual personal lives of these people. In another five hundred years he won’t even be considered a great scientist. He didn’t actually figure much of anything out.

Descartes will not even be remembered at all. They keep him in the history books because he validates everyone’s psychopathic narcissism. None of these men, who have been in charge of our culture are, or have been, Great Men. For thousands of years: Not a single one. We could look into their personal lives and we would find the exact same thing occurring every single time; a man identified with that thinking voice in his head, thinking that makes it so. A man so completely out of touch with his feelings he will rape and murder, he will throw anyone under the bus who crosses his path. These men didn’t even take care of their own children. They still do not.

The year 2021 of our Lord, and access to information hasn’t changed a fucking thing.

That’s a real fact Brother. Let’s not be like these men. Let’s not even call them men anymore. Let’s call it what it is; psychopathic.

I can hear some idiot making an argument about how even though it’s so fucked, they brought these amazing things into our lives. Yes, this is true, but only an idiot would say this: as if they could not have brought these things into the world in a non psychopathic way…..FUCK! Don’t be that goddamn dumb.

It’s a known thing to the mystic; One must absolutely find out on their own, otherwise it’s just sand castles in the sky as they say. Thoughts. Thinking a thing does not make it so. Thoughts are very powerful, and they absolutely have a purpose, and function, but anyone who mistakes his thoughts for the thing is living a lie. A huge one.

I think of the truth, as totality. Notice here I said, think, I think this. No human has access to total truth in the true sense of the word. So even for me with all my thousands of downloaded books. All my life experience. The countless hours talking to others. I got like .0001% of the truth if I’m lucky. That’s a really high number actually. It’s probably more like .00000000000000000000001%. I mean, that’s still a really high number.

Now, I can say, regarding the human condition, and the suffering of abuse and trauma, I got a fair amount of the truth on deck. In this specific realm, I can honestly say I am approaching real truth. Here though, this is more of a philosophical way of thinking, because ultimately we’re clueless. No one is yet to rule out that we are not already inside a computer, and that this is simply a simulation. Scientifically, this has not been ruled out. No one really knows what the fuck is going on. I’m simply saying, from here, in this monkey suit, surveying the field with what I have; it appears to be this.

It helps ground a person realizing how vast it all really is. It takes the idealization out of it. Just a monkey on a rock hurtling through space at some godly speed.

The Truth is the culmination of every single little truth. This makes it infinite as they say. It’s like that curve in math class where it approaches the axis, but never touches it. That decimal can literally just go on forever. As such, it is fluid, because this truth now, is not the same as a second from now. We could say every second the truth grows, and is ever growing. The truth here, and now, is stacked on top of all previous truth. So the only way to actually get the Truth would be if time stopped. We know that is not ever happening. So this level of truth is living, and unattainable.

The main reason I feel this truth bit is necessary is because so many nowadays want to put forth this stupid idea that “my truth”, is different from “your truth”. This is the trademark of a narcissist; I think, therefore I am. We can clearly see using Descartes as an example, that his thinking was incredibly wrong. Yet, people are still putting this concept forth; nowadays we use the term: this is some new age bullshit. This new age claim of individual truth is just self importance, it’s not even new. If we ever hear anyone say this crap, we can know on the spot we are dealing with a real deal narcissist. Such people literally think their thinking makes it so. I hear them say, as Descartes did, “I think, therefore I am.” As if they cannot just be absolutely living a lie!

Driving. This. Home.

I learned a story when I was young. I was seventeen, and for the first time in my life another man was attempting to get me to open my mind a bit. As any boy would, the first time he can sense someone actually cares about him, I listened to everything this man told me. He saved my life.

He gave me this bit, he said imagine a person tells a story to twenty different people. The image he created in this story was the storyteller standing in the middle of a circle of listeners. After he tells his story we imagine going around and asking those twenty people about the story. What do we find? Everyone had their own version, their own meaning, because the story told was something like a fairy tale. The story had an ambiguity to it. Upon investigation we find no one could even manage to retell the same exact story. Well then, which version is the truth?

So here we can see, that concept of individual truth is trash. There was an actual story told; it was a fact it happened. If we have to find the Truth in this, the real truth would be the total thing, and part of that truth would be that none of them got it exactly right. The storyteller in fact told a story, and it is not subject to interpretation. It does get interpreted though. It happened. The individual “truths” of the listeners does not alter anything at all about the reality of a guy, standing in a circle of people, telling a story. Their version can easily be seen to be a lie.

As I said, the issue here is this new age fad, which isn’t a new thing at all, just reworded in a different way than when it was first put forth, that everyone has their own truth. What horse shit. If I tell a story, and the listener cannot even repeat the story back to me correctly, the listener does not have the truth about it. These stupid people claiming some sort of individual truth couldn’t think their way out of a pavilion; As if a person cannot live lies! So yes, everyone can have their own truth, and that truth, can be a lie, so really….

Public education fucked everyone’s mind up.

The truth is free of any one person’s opinion of it, but any one person can see it. The potential is there for a person to see the Truth in things. It is a real possibility. I say though, that the only way it can be achieved is through some pretty rigorous inner work. Just like this situation I am in right now writing this book. I’ve had to quit reading books completely, because every time I read another book, I can literally rewrite the whole story, from a much more truthful perspective. You see? To get at any real semblance of truth one must really go after it. It is not some simple minded shit just anyone can do without a lot of training and hard work.

Yet, that is exactly what is happening. People who have not done any inner work at all, are making decisions that affect nearly everyone on the entire planet, as if they know.

Thinking in this way, the truth requires a thoughtless view. We call this Knowing. Thinking is not knowing. Can I remember every last single thing I have ever read? Nope. It’s in there though, and we can easily look into the immense power of the unconscious mind. It is truly immense. It actually can remember all that. So thinking, in this way, it becomes a sort of impersonal view from above.

This is the view, outside of the storyteller, and his circle. We could liken it to “god’s view”. This is something we can do inwardly. We can watch ourselves do things. It’s a mind fuck for many, but if a person is that thinking voice in the head: then who is listening to it? Who is that? Brother, just like they did me, this culture fucks our mind up bad.

Many thinkers do this. Even Einstein talked about it. They go hard experimenting, and acquiring information. They think, and ponder, and think, and think, and think, then think some more, then they let it all go. They give up, or rest in frustration; everything goes silent: Then, BAM! in that stillness, the answer just comes to them. Many great thinkers purposefully use this tactic. The problem is that even psychopaths can do this. Our dreams are the same, and it’s a given that psychopaths have dreams too. It is well known that dreams are one of the ways our unconscious communicates with our conscious mind.

Who is that exactly? Why aren’t they applying their genius to that too? The same reason you aren’t; because it’s even more difficult than math.

This is what I mean about none of these people even attempting to understand their own mind.

In my way of thinking this view is essential in any conversation about truth. The view, outside the storyteller, and the listeners is an absolute must. The attempt to look at myself, in this story, from as many other points of view as I can possibly get, will be as close to the truth as I can get. If I take my thinking as the central view; I’m being a psychopath. I need as many views as I can get. I doubt it can be said enough: One needs as many vantage points as one can possibly get for there to ever be any kind of formulation of truth at all. It’s a living thing. It never ends. It’s never completed. It’s happening right now. Just a never ending expansion of consciousness, of which I am not the center.

Self importance will shut this down. The first listener that says, this story is shit, will ruin the whole bit for the narcissist. Say, the storyteller is the narcissist. He’s telling his favorite story, so he doesn’t think his story is stupid. He isn’t going to go around acknowledging how stupid his story is; so he is forever lost to truth. We are all stupid. His story is stupid, no matter what story it is. My story is stupid. Think about it. How fucking ignorant is it that this shit has to even be said at all. This is kindergarten level shit.

Total objectivity would require all possible vantage points. This isn’t possible, so many don’t even attempt it, but anyone who is doing the inner work must attempt it. It’s amazing how many claim objective truth is impossible, but if you pay attention none of these people ever took up the inner work. The path of knowledge requires one to take up the impossible. These people are like the priest, and simply because someone else said some shit, and it fits their current worldview, it must be true! I am a mystic, and that is some other level dumb. The priest got his authority from another person. He doesn’t even register as a man. We call him a dog. A well trained dog.

The mystic gets his authority from Nature. I’m not claiming any certain authority here. I am only speaking in comparison to the one who has been trained like a dog. Compared to that, a mystic is most in authority regarding Truth. I’m not even close to the only mystic, so I’m not special, or unique, but we all agree on this; we can know to a much higher degree compared to the priest type.

A lot of people will try to scapegoat me by saying something like, you just think you know it all. I just reply, my knowing more than you, doesn’t mean I know it all: it just means I know more than you.

We are talking about this, because as I’ve said, it can be true, that one is not true. It is very easy to see that one’s thinking can be very wrong. We all tend to lie to ourselves, so it’s necessary to compile these different views in order to get at the truth. The amalgamation of many views is our only chance at discerning lies. Since most things are so complicated we cannot get every view, we are always reduced to lesser forms of truth. This does not mean we shouldn’t aspire for truth.

A monkey can only know so much truth, and we can all agree that is not very much. Even with our advanced technology we are only aware of about four percent of reality at any given moment. If we compiled every single thing about reality, that every human alive has ever put forth, we’d have about four percent of it. That’s a really high number actually. That’s not my number either, I got that from some scientist types. My opinion about that would be that it’s got a lot more zeros in that decimal.

Metaphysically speaking, about truth, on our best day, we don’t really know much of anything. This is old school philosophy right? We can’t really know anything, bleh bleh bleh. I always want to hit such people over the head, and tell them that I know a thing or two about reality. As if we don’t know it’s going to hurt when I smash someone’s ego. As if we can’t look around and see that child abuse has been completely normalized under the rule of raping tyrants.

My point is that we are not after absolute Truth. We are after the truth of our own lives, as humans, here now. We can most definitely wrap our minds around our lives. We can most definitely approach reality, as a human being, and not just be living in complete lies. We can achieve a level of truth, and say, as a human being, these things are true about us. We can free this opinion. That is a real possibility for us. It just requires a lot of work.

Call me crazy, but if monkeys are going to make decisions about all of humanity they ought to have done this work.

Only you Brother, can experience the truth of your Self. It is one hundred percent Brother, your duty as a male to verify truth for yourself. We don’t need anymore fucking priests. I am not a priest. I speak very confidently about what I know, because it is what I live. We need this knowing, instead of thinking, in our lives. This does not mean that you should do exactly what I do, in every single instance. It does not mean you should copy, or imitate anything I put forth as I do it. You are not me. Don’t do it exactly how I do it. Find out for yourself.

This is only a map of the psyche. Do not mistake it for the psyche. Even though we all have the same psyche, I doubt very much anyone can do it how I do it. If you wish to apply anything I put down here, do it in your own way, but you must actually do it. Don’t just listen to anything anyone says. Compile it all. Compile, and compile, and compile. My story is all about finding out for myself. I’m telling this story, in the hopes that you will do the same. Find out for yourself. I’m simply shining some light in the hopes that one does not necessarily have to stumble around in the dark so much as I have had to do.

Go look into the lives of these psychopaths yourself. Study trauma and abuse, and the machinations of the mind; then come talk to me. I’ll bet the bank we agree.

I call it read and apply. I read books, then I apply what I’ve read to life itself, to see if it actually plays out or not. I acquire knowledge, then apply it. Does it work? Or not? If anything, do that. Read this, apply it if it resonates. Throw it in the trash if it does not. I’ve pretty much thrown away every single thing I’ve ever gotten from a priest. I have found that the mystics know. Their self importance isn’t depending on anyone believing what they have to say. Ya dig? If one pays attention, it is those whose research isn’t depending on status, or income, that actually figure things out. The priest will lose his job if he were to really go after the truth. He will lose all his followers. A mystic doesn’t give a shit about followers.

If any of these psychopaths that have been placed on a pedestal had to do their inner work they’d have to recapitulate just about everything they ever did or said.

This is one of the best ways to eliminate lies. Compiling points of view. Compiling syntaxes. We can see here, this is simply a way of thinking. It’s actually a simple way of thinking. I am not telling you what to think. I am explaining how to think. Go look at it for yourself.

Thinking is a major theme in the life of an introvert. Thinking, and thinking, and thinking, and thinking, and thinking, and thinking, and thinking. I’m telling you I know exactly what it is to be a raging narcissist. I know exactly what it is to be completely identified with that thinking voice in the head. Thinking I’m so special, and so smart, bleh bleh bleh. It’s when I started taking responsibility for the harm that I was causing, that I started taking responsibility for the ways in which I thought. Brother, as a male, one has to learn how to actually think, or it’s all lies. True thinking is supposed to be passed down, man to boy.

It’s hard to imagine Brother that you are not a child in a grown up body. We’ve been raised in a culture ruled by raging psychopaths.

For most of my life the only way I could ever turn off my thinking was to get so fucked up, I couldn’t think no more. I eventually learned to sit in silence, but that came later in life. That took some special events. That more than anything required my total intention to do. I had to pay some rather hefty prices for that ability. Like being poor as fuck. Most of the story is my pounding my own head against the wall, begging for answers.

I’ve been saying that thinking a thing is not knowing a thing. This is the mind/body gap in a nutshell. This is the critical point. We need to define the difference between thinking a thing, and knowing it. This is essential. This is what draws the line between the priest, and the mystic. It is the fundamental dichotomy of the mind. Thinking, and knowing. It seems to me most people confuse thinking with knowing. In other words, they think, that simply because they think something, that means they know it. This is a huge mistake in thinking. The biggest. Thinking something is not the same thing as knowing something. Must.Drive.This.Home.

In my early days I would use a simple metaphor. That of the electric coil style oven burner on any typical American stove top. Imagine we are in this room together, you and I, having this conversation about thinking. I ask a simple question, is the burner on the stove hot? The simple answer one usually gives, is to immediately say it’s not hot. When I ask them how they know this, they generally say something to the effect that since the switch is off, it’s not hot, or that because no one has been in the room using it, it’s not hot. I can’t argue this reasoning. I agree it is highly probable the burner is not hot, but this is also pure laziness. It’s highly likely that the burner is not hot, as has been suggested, but that does not answer the question. How do we know if that burner is hot or not? I did not ask, if one thinks the burner is hot or not, I asked if in fact the burner is hot. The knob could be broken, and it’s on but doesn’t look it, because it’s not so hot as to be glowing red. It could be hot. We can just as easily think up several situations in which the burner might be hot. We don’t know….all of this is thinking. So far, even if we are literally together standing in the room with the burner, we are only thinking.

The only way to know if the burner is hot or not is to go over and feel it. Hot is not a thought. Hot is a temperature, and can only be felt. One cannot think hot into existence simply by thinking it. Thinking isn’t temperature. By thought alone, heat doesn’t even exist. The word heat, the idea heat, would not even exist if it had not been first felt.

Knowing is felt. It’s visceral. Knowing precedes thought. Feelings precede thought. In the evolution of man, thinking comes last. Think about this. These supposed great thinkers have put the least evolved aspect of our nature as the most advanced…. These people never even learned how their thinking works, and it shows. These people, who are ruling the world, do not even understand basic fundamental phenomena about their own minds.

Because of the nature of the psyche, and the effects of child abuse on the psyche, most do not have access to their feelings. Most everyone merely thinks, and they have no real knowledge of much of anything at all. This means, they are all almost completely cut off from the natural world. They literally cannot feel. They have emotions, and think that is feeling.

It’s usually very difficult for someone who all their life has only ever identified with that thinking thought voice in the head to wrap their mind around this. Such people are truly convinced merely thinking a thing is the same as knowing a thing. The psyche is immense, and that thinking voice is only a tiny little bit of it. It’s like pulling a hair off of our head, and then saying I am this; No! That hair is like less than one percent of who you are. It’s the same with that thinking voice. It’s like one percent of who a person really is, and so if a person goes all their life thinking they are only actually one percent of who they actually are; they don’t really know anything at all.

Look around, and be terrified! It’s warranted.

Well, then, what about what I knew then, you know, that thing I was just so sure of a couple weeks ago. It’s not true now. Turns out I didn’t know. I look back, and what I was so sure of, what I just knew; well, that was actually just thoughts. This is what makes the words so important. Most of the time they are being mistaken for reality. Do not do this!

Brother listen to me. It’s going to take a long time to undo this.

Let’s not mistake these words for the thing. Find out for yourself, what is what. Learn to feel. It’s going to be a long journey. Always be ready to be wrong. Always be ready to change in an instant. Being wrong is the best thing ever, because that makes room for some actual truth to get in. Throw your self importance in the trash. I highly advise one to make it a skill to completely change their worldview on the regular. It’s hard work, but like anything worth actually having, hard work is the only way. Men do not balk in the face of hard work. Matter of fact, Great Men welcome it.

Let’s not be Descartes, or Einstein, or Gates, or Musk. Let’s not strive to be just another psychopath. Let’s change our worldview instantly when we actually witness an animal cry out in pain when we hurt it. How hard could that have been? Turns out it’s actually pretty fucking difficult to do, when our whole lives we’ve been trained to not feel.

Sorry Brother, that’s the real truth of the matter.



Meta Monkey

I’m known for saying controversial things. I’m practicing for a book, refining my skills telling stories and sharing wisdom. I mostly write about being real.